Friday, April 27, 2012


it's very hard to gain inspiration, and draw something when my son is running around like a complete NUT all the time!so, why not allow him to join in on the fun? cut off a big strip of paper for him, set it on his bedroom floor, and we used my chalk pastels to draw together. he LOVED it. i've allowed him to draw before with markers and crayons, but instead of drawing on paper, or in one of his coloring books, he decided to make his bedroom walls one giant canvas when i had my back turned! (this incident was a while ago, and i have not been able to scrub off the markers OR the crayons from his bedroom walls.) chalk pastels; SUPER easy to clean up for any parent that loves to draw, who has children that like to draw as well. especially if you have a little wandering artist who likes to color outside the lines like my son ;) i also found that if you do get a giant roll of paper like i do, you can tape it to the wall so they can stand and draw as well, and this way instead of drawing directly on the wall, they draw on the paper! haha!

anyway, since flowers are my go to thing to draw most of the time, i'm having trouble thinking of what i should draw next. artists block i suppose. there's a whole world outside my window that i can draw, but i usually tend to picture things in my mind instead, and then try and get it down on paper. my most recent drawing, is a longer, but smaller piece of paper than my last drawing. and i am currently trying to draw some violets, but they havent come out as good as i thought they would. oh well, practice makes perfect right? i'm positive i'm only having trouble with it due to the size of the flowers. i could start over and do a bigger version, but i don't know if i would continue to do the violets. maybe i'll switch to another flower. perhaps some orchids? who knows!

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